iMODFIT Linux64
- Last update: 28 February 2019
- File size: 7.09 MB
- Version: 1.51
- Downloaded: 1168
- Author: Lopez-Blanco JR and Chacon P.
# --- iMODFIT 1.51 (from release v1.07) --- #
# --- Chacon's lab - Feb 28th, 2019 --- #
The last stable version of iMODFIT (v1.44) is released with
other EM tools.
iMODFIT (Internal coordinates normal MODe based FITing)
We provide 64-bit LINUX statically linked executables generated with GNU
compilers to minimize library dependence problems. Dynamic linking was used
for the faster Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) version.
> Programs provided
imodfit v1.51 --> Flexible fitting tool.
pdb2vol v1.01 --> Simulated maps generation from PDB files.
rmsd v1.04 --> Optimal atomic structures alignment (RMSD min.).
pdbtool v1.01 --> Atomic structures manipulation tool.
*All the programs show a basic help text using the --help option.
> Binaries releases
Pre-compiled binaries are available in the corresponding bin/ directory. You
can choose the appropriate release for your system:
[Program] Compiler Libraries Linkage
*<TOOL> Intel icpc - static
<TOOL>_gcc GNU gcc - static
*<TOOL>_mkl Intel icpc MKL dynamic
* Intel compiled binaries are the fastest alternatives.
<TOOL> corresponds to the name of the program.
This software release has been compiled with 64-bit Intel "icpc"
(v. and GNU "gcc" (7.3.0).
Statically linked executables are ready-to-use (nothing else required).
The following libraries may be required only to run the pre-compiled binaries
of the Intel MKL release:
- Intel's C++ Compiler and Math Kernel Library - Current tested icpc version (gcc version 7.3.0 compatibility).
Please, download and install the Intel C++ Compiler and Math Kernel Library:
"Intel C++ Parallel Studio XE 2019 update-2 for Linux" (current tested
version is
Newer Intel MKL versions should work as well.
Intel C++ Compiler and MKL libraires can be obtained for from Intel's web site:
The main improvements of v1.51 with respect to the previous (v1.44) are:
- Integration with Chimera's plug-in.
- Minor bugs removed.
The main improvements with respect to older versions are:
- Improved stability for very big and/or symmetrical macromolecular complexes.
- Improved speed thanks to our new parallel band-Krylov eigensolver:
Aliaga JI, Alonso P, Badia JM, Chacon P, Davidovic D, Lopez-Blanco JR, and Quintana-Orti ES
(2016). A fast band-Krylov eigensolver for macromolecular functional motion simulation on
multicore architectures and graphics processors. Journal of Computational
Physics 309:314-323.
- Improved default parameters.
- Minor bugs removed.
We encourage you to visit our web site and follow the tutorials:
*Some files to be used in the tutorial can be found in the imodfit_test/
We have included a simple test case in the imodfit_test/ subdirectory.
The basic flexible fitting procedure is very simple. Please, just copy and
paste the following commands in your terminal:
Go to the test directory
$ cd imodfit_test
Perform the basic flexible fitting with a 10A target map
$ ../bin/imodfit_mkl 1sx4A.pdb 1oel.ccp4 10 0 -t
Check iMODFIT performance by directly visualizing the fitting movie
(imodfit_movie.pdb) in your favorite viewer (VMD works fine).
Alternatively, compute the C-alpha RMSD between the fitted model and the PDB
employed to simulate the target map:
$ ../bin/rmsd imodfit_fitted.pdb 1oel.pdb -c
The final C-alpha RMSD is just 1.3752 A (1.2098 A after optimal alignment).
You can try the flexible fitting in the opposite direction:
$ ../bin/imodfit_mkl 1sx4A.pdb 1oel.ccp4 10 0 -t
The complete test takes around 13/8 minutes for gcc/intel binaries using an
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 950 running at 3.07GHz.
Please, cite our work if any of our tools become useful for your research.
iMODFIT: Efficient and robust flexible fitting based on vibrational analysis
in internal coordinates (2013). Lopez-Blanco JR and Chacon P. JSB
Please, feel free to contact with us!
(Any suggestion or bug report is welcome)
Jose Ramon Lopez-Blanco (PhD.)
Pablo Chacon (PhD.)
Structural Bioinformatics Group
IQFR-CSIC - Madrid (Spain)