Here we give a brief overview of the necessary commands to use iMOD, but we strongly encourage to follow the tutorials. Right now, there are three different executables:

  • iMODE to obtain IC Normal Modes.
  • iMOVE to animate IC Normal Modes.
  • iMODVIEW to visualize Normal Modes.
  • iMC to perform a Monte-Carlo simulation.
  • iMORPH to perform Morphing.

This user guide describes the usage of these iMOD components.

iMODE - obtaining IC Normal Modes

To obtain the IC modes, enter the following command at the prompt.

imode <pdb>


pdb PDB input file (required)

The default output is:

  • imode.log --> Log-file.
  • imode_model.pdb --> Used PDB model.
  • imode_ic.evec --> IC Normal modes file.

To enable deformability computations use the −d option. In this case, additional files will be saved:

  • imode_def.pdb --> PDB file with deformability data in B-factor column.
  • imode_mob.pdb --> PDB file with mobility data in B-factor column.
  • imode_defmob.txt --> Plain text file with deformabiliy, mobility and B-factor data.

Basic Options

 In this section, the basic options to customize the IC modes generation are detailed. Just add them after the minimum command shown above.

−h Displays usage information and exits.
−m <int> Coarse-Grained model: 0=CA, 1=C5, 2=Heavy-Atom (default=2).
−o <string> Output files basename (default=imode).
-d Turn on deformability calculations (default=disabled).
-r <float> Randomly fixed ratio of Dihedral Coordinates (default=disabled).
Example: 0.7 = 70% of dihedrals will be randomly removed.
Rotational/translational coordinates always mobile.
-f <string> ASCII file defining the ICs to be fixed with the format:

Protein: "n phi chi psi"
NAcid: "n alpha beta gamma chi epsilon zeta"
Inter-chain: "n 6D"

Where "n" is the residue index (0,1,..) and the coordinate name (phi, psi, etc...) can be set to 0(fixed) or 1(mobile). Each one of the 6 inter-chain variables should be specified on separate lines in the following order: x,y,z,Rx,Ry,Rz. Note "n" is just the sequential residue index (starting with 0) and NOT the PDB's residue index.

A demo file can be generated using the --save_fixfile option.

-P <int> Pairwise interaction potential: (default=0)

0= Sigmoid function (= k/(1+(x/x0)^p), if x < c, else k=0).
1= Tirion's cutoff (= k, if x < c, else k=0).
2= Hinsen's function.
3= Topology & Secondary Structure (--func is mandatory).
4= edNMA formalism (CA-model only).

By default an extra torsional potential will be added.

-K <string> Force constants ASCII file with 3 cols.:
Where are the corresponding atomic indices (1,2,...)
A demo file can be generated using --save_Kfile option.
-n <int/float> Used modes range, either number [1,N] <integer>, or ratio [0,1) <float> (default=20).
-x Considers first CHI dihedral angle (default=disabled).
-S <string> All dihedral coordinates with a given secondary structure (SS) will be removed (see --ss).
Example: "HE" will fix the dihedrals corresponding to alpha-helices and beta-sheets.

Advanced options

Only for real expert users!

   --ss <string>
      Secondary Structure ASCII file with 2 cols.: <n> <char>
     Where <n> is the corresponding residue index (0,1,...), and <char> is
     the single character SS identifier. By default SS will be computed
     internally (H=helix, E=strand, C=coil). 
      Save fixation file as <basename.fix> (to be used with -r or -S
     options; otherwise a fully mobile file will be generated)
      Save Cartesian modes as <basename_cart.evec> (default=disabled) 
      Save Mass-weighted Cartesian modes as <basename_wcart.evec>
      Save atom-pairwise force constants file as <basename_Kfile.dat> (to
     be used with -K option) (default=disabled).
      Save secondary structure file as <> (to be used with -S or
     -P=2 options) (default=disabled). 
      Saves the predicted covariance matrix at selected Temperature in
     binary packed storage format as <basename_covar.evec>. If --save_wcart
     selected, then mass-weighted covariance matrix will be computed
     instead (default=disabled). 
   --k0_c <float>
      Sigmoid function distance cutoff (default=10A). 
   --k0_k <float>
      Sigmoid function stiffness constant (default=1.0). 
   --k0_x0 <float>
      Sigmoid function inflexion point (default=3.8A). 
   --k0_p <float>
      Sigmoid function power term (default=6). 
   --k1_c <float>
      Tirion's method distance cutoff (default=10A). 
   --k1_k <float>
      Tirion's method stiffness constant (default=1.0). 
   --k2_c <float>
      Non-bonding distance cutoff applied to --func option (default=10A). 
      Disables PDB model building. Warning: introduced PDB model must match
     the CG selected with the -m option (default=disabled). 
      Disables mass weighting (default=disabled). 
      Disables extra torsional potential (default=disabled). 
      Enables (norm=1) eigenvector normalization. Note this does not change
     vector direction (default=disabled). 
   --func <string>
      ASCII file defining the force constant functions to be applied
     according to Topology and/or Secondary Structure. The 5 cols. format
     is: <SS> <t> <k> <x0> <pow>
     Where <SS> is the two character pairwise interaction identifier, <t>
     is the topology, and <k>,<x0>,<pow> are the corresponding sigmoid
     function parameters (see -P option). If --ss is not specified, the XX 
     pairwise interaction identifier must be introduced. This way, only 
     topologies will be considered. If <t> is "-1", any previously 
     not-matched topology will be considered.
   --model_out <int>
      Output Coarse-Graining model: 0=CA, 1=C5, 2=Heavy-Atom
      Considers first CHI dihedral angle in output modes
      Computes and Saves the predicted covariance matrix for the output
     model at selected Temperature in binary packed storage format as
     <basename_covarf.evec>. If --save_wcart selected, then mass-weighted
     covariance matrix will be computed instead (default=disabled). 
   -T <double>,  --temperature <double>
      Temperature [K] for covariance matrix computation (default=300). 
   --seed <unsigned>
      Pre-define the random number generator SEED (Mersenne Twister)
     (default=random-seed from /dev/urandom) 
   --verb <int>
      Verbose level (0=low, 1=medium, 2=high) (default=0).
   --,  --ignore_rest
      Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag. 
   -v,  --version
      Displays version information and exits. 
   -h,  --help
      Displays usage information and exits. 

iMOVE - animating IC normal modes

To show the vibrational motion of a given mode, just enter the following command at the prompt:

imove <in_pdb> <ptraj> <out_pdb> <int>


<in_pdb> PDB input file. (required)
<ptraj> Normal Modes input file name (.evec). (required)
<out_pdb> Output Multi-PDB file. (required)
<int> Mode number to be moved (1,2,...,size). (required)

The unique output is the Multi-PDB file named <out_pdb>

Basic Options

In this section, the basic options to customize animations are detailed.

−h Displays usage information and exits.
−m <int> Coarse-Graining model: 0=CA, 1=C5, 2=Heavy-Atom, 3=NCAC, 4=CA-only (default=2).
−x Considers first CHI dihedral angle (default=disabled).
−c <int> Number of conformations generated (default=11). It should be an odd number!
−a <float> Amplitude linear factor to scale motion (default=2).
−T <float> Temperature [K] (default=300).
−f <string> Input ASCII file defining the ICs that were fixed during NMA (default=disabled). If modes were computed removing arbitrary ICs, the user must introduce here the file generated by iMode's --save_fixfile option.

Advanced options

Only for real expert users!

      Mandatory if Cartesian modes are supplied, otherwise moving in
     Internal Coordinates (default=disabled). 
   --model_out <int>
      Output Coarse-Graining model: 0=CA, 1=C5, 2=Heavy-Atom. The default
     output model will be that selected with the -m option. 
      Enables linear motion instead of sinusoidal bounce
   --mov <int>
      Motion Type (default=2): 0=K-matrix, 1=V/W-arrays, 2=Simple-Rotations
     , 3=Linear (if Cartesian modes). 
      Considers first CHI dihedral angle in output models
     (default=disabled) (DEVELOPER's). 
   --fixIC <string>
      Plain-text file defining the fixed Internal Coordinates. Each line
     will contain the index (0,1,...) of the ICs to be removed
   --,  --ignore_rest
      Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag. 
   -v,  --version
      Displays version information and exits. 


iMODVIEW - normal modes visualization

An alternative way to visualize a normal mode motion is the arrow representation. To this end type at the prompt:

imodview <pdb> <ptraj/Kfile> <filename>


<pdb> PDB input file. Warning: This model must match exactly the one used in modes computation. (required)
<ptraj/Kfile> Input eigenvectors file (ptraj). Warning: Only Cartesian modes allowed.
<filename> Output VMD file. (required)

The unique output file (<filename>) can be loaded into VMD using the following command in VMD's terminal:

source <filename>

Basic Options

In this section, the basic options to customize mode visualization are detailed.

−h Displays usage information and exits.
−n <int> Normal Mode index (1,2,...,size) (default=1)

Advanced options

Only for real expert users!

   --color <string>
      Set color. All VMD colors available (default=white). 
   --op <int>>
      Sets the operation method, 1=arrows, 2=springs (default=1). 
   --max <float>>
      Maximum arrow length [A] (default=10). 
   --thick <float>
      Arrow/spring thickness factor (default=0.05). 
   --level <int>
      Sets the averaging level to compute arrows, 0=atoms, 1=residues,
     2=segments, 3=chains (default=0). 
   --pthr <float>
      Minimum percentual amplitude (from maximum) to show arrows
     (default=0, all arrows). 
   --kthr <float>
      Only those springs with force constants above this threshold will be
     shown (default=disabled). 
   --kthr2 <float>
      Only those springs with force constants below this threshold will be
     shown (default=disabled). 
   --,  --ignore_rest
      Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag. 
   -v,  --version
      Displays version information and exits. 

iMC - performing Monte-Carlo simulations.

To carry out a basic Monte-Carlo simulation, enter the following command at the prompt:

imc <pdb> <ptraj>


<pdb> PDB input file. (required)
<ptraj> Normal modes input file (.evec), either from NMA or PCA. (required)

The default output trajectory will be named imc.pdb

Basic Options

In this section, the basic options to customize trajectories are detailed.

−h Displays usage information and exits
−m <int> Input Coarse-Graining model: 0=CA, 1=C5, 2=Heavy-Atom (default=2).
−o <string> Output files basename. (default=imc)
−f <string> Input ASCII file defining the ICs that were fixed during NMA (default=disabled). If modes were computed removing arbitrary ICs, the user must introduce here the file generated by iMode's --save_fixfile option.
−p <int> Finds the optimal energy/stiffness scaling factor to obtain the desired average RMSD (Å) from the initial model (default=disabled).
−−Rg <float> Filter models by target radius of gyration (default=disabled).
−n <int> Number of eigenvectors to be employed, either number [1,N] <integer>, or ratio from maximum available [0,1) <float> (default=5).
−c <int> Number of output conformations (default= 100).
−E <float> Energy/Stiffness scaling factor (mode energy will be multiplied by this value) (default=1.0).
−i <int> Number of MC iterations per output structure (default=1000).
−x Considers first CHI dihedral angle (default=disabled).
−T <float> Temperature [K] (default=300).
−a <float> Amplitude linear factor to scale motion (default=1).

Advanced options

Only for real expert users!

   --thr <float>
      Enable filtering by absolute tolerance (default=disabled). 
   --Rmsd <float>
      Filter models by target RMSD (default=disabled). 
   --otraj <int>
      Output trajectory format: 0-Normal-Mode, 1-Multi-PDB, 2-AMBER
      Mandatory if Cartesian modes are supplied, otherwise moving in
     Internal Coordinates (default=disabled). 
   --seed <unsigned int>
      Set the random number generator SEED (Mersenne Twister)
     (default=random-seed from /dev/urandom). 
      Includes input model as first frame in the Multi-PDB trajectory
      Input eigenvalues will be considered as variance (pca), otherwise the
     will be force constants (nma) (default=false). 
      Un-mass-weights the input vectors (default=false). The Mass-weighted
     modes (wcart) will be converted into Cartesian coordiantes (cart)
   --optf <float>
      Factor to scale the optimal energy/stiffness factor
     (default=disabled) (DEVELOPER's). 
   --rfact <float>
      Agressivity factor (default=7.778) (DEVELOPER's). 
   --mov <int>
      Motion Type (default=2): 0=K-matrix, 1=V/W-arrays, 2=Simple-Rotations
     , 3=Linear (if Cartesian modes) (DEVELOPER's). 
   --fixIC <string>
      Plain-text file defining the fixed Internal Coordinates. Each line
     will contain the index (0,1,...) of the ICs to be removed
      Enables verbose. 
   --,  --ignore_rest
      Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag. 
   -v,  --version
      Displays version information and exits. 

iMORPH - performing Morphing

To generate a plausible continuous trajectory between two given conformations enter the following command at the prompt.

imorph <initial_pdb> <final_pdb>


initial_pdb Initial PDB file. (required)
target_pdb Target PDB file. (required)

The trajectory movie will be automatically named imorph_movie.pdb

Basic Options

 In this section, the basic options to customize your morphing are detailed. Just add them after the minimal command shown above.

−h Displays usage information and exits
−m <int> Coarse-Grained model: 0=CA, 1=C5, 2=Heavy-Atom (default=2).
−o <string> Output files basename (default=imorph).
−F Enables full-atom output models (default=disabled).
−r <float> Randomly fixed ratio of Dihedral Coordinates (default=disabled).
Example: 0.7 = 70% of dihedrals will be randomly removed.
Rotational/translational coordinates always mobile.
-f <string> ASCII file defining the ICs to be fixed with the format:

Protein: "n phi chi psi"
NAcid: "n alpha beta gamma chi epsilon zeta"
Inter-chain: "n 6D"

Where "n" is the residue index (0,1,..) and the coordinate name (phi, psi, etc...) can be set to 0(fixed) or 1(mobile). Each one of the 6 inter-chain variables should be specified on separate lines in the following order: x,y,z,Rx,Ry,Rz. Note "n" is just the sequential residue index (starting with 0) and NOT the PDB's residue index.

A demo file can be generated using the --save_fixfile option.

-P <int> Pairwise interaction potential: (default=0)

0= Sigmoid function (= k/(1+(x/x0)^p), if x < c, else k=0).
1= Tirion's cutoff (= k, if x < c, else k=0).
2= Hinsen's function.
3= Topology & Secondary Structure (--func is mandatory).
4= edNMA formalism (CA-model only).

By default an extra torsional potential will be added.

−i <int> Maximum number of iterations (default=100000).
−n <int/float> Used modes range, either number [1,N] <integer>, or ratio [0,1) <float> (default=0.1). In any case, the value of --addnevs option will be added.
−x Considers first CHI dihedral angle (default=disabled).
−s <float> Initial amplitude applied to the merge displacement (default=5).
−e <int/float> Excited modes range, either number [1,nevs] <integer>, or ratio [0,1) <float> (default=0.1).
−R <float> Randomly fixed ratio of Internal Coordinates (default=disabled).
Example: 0.7 = 70% of IC will be randomly fixed.
−S <string> All dihedral coordinates with a given secondary structure (SS) will be removed (see --ss). Ex: "HE" will fix the dihedrals corresponding to alpha-helices and beta-sheets.

Advanced options

Only for real expert users!

   --ss <string>
      Secondary Structure ASCII file with 2 cols.: <n> <char>
     Where <n> is the corresponding residue index (0,1,...), and <char> is
     the single character SS identifier. By default SS will be computed
     internally (H=helix, E=strand, C=coil). 
   --conv <double>
      Convergence RMSD threshold (default=0.01Å). 
   --conv_win <int>
      Window length (number of iterations) to estimate convergence
   --delta_save <float>
      RMSD increment to save a new trajectory frame (default=0.5Å). If a
     negative integer value is introduced, a new frame will be saved each
     --delta_save iterations. 
   --k0_c <float>
      Sigmoid function distance cutoff (default=10Å). 
   --k0_k <float>
      Sigmoid function stiffness constant (default=1.0). 
   --k0_x0 <float>
      Sigmoid function inflexion point (default=3.8Å). 
   --k0_p <float>
      Sigmoid function power term (default=6). 
   --k1_c <float>
      Tirion's method distance cutoff (default=10Å). 
   --k1_k <float>
      Tirion's method stiffness constant (default=1.0). 
   --k2_c <float>
      Non-bonding distance cutoff applied to --func option (default=10Å). 
   --func <string>
      ASCII file defining the force constant functions to be applied
     according to Topology and/or Secondary Structure. The 5 cols. format
     is: <SS> <t> <k> <x0> <pow>
     Where <SS> is the two character pairwise interaction identifier, <t>
     is the topology, and <k>,<x0>,<pow> are the corresponding sigmoid
     function parameters. If --ss is not specified, the XX pairwise
     interaction identifier must be introduced. This way, only topologies
     will be considered. If <t> is "-1", any previously not-matched
     topology will be considered. 
   --rediag <float>
      RMSD to trigger NMA (default=0.1Å). 
      Saves initial (basename_model.pdb) and final (basename_fitted.pdb)
     models. If the -F option is enabled, the fitted CG-model
     (basename_fitCG.pdb) will be saved (default=disabled). 
      Enables C-alpha RMSD computation (default=disabled). 
      Disables Multi-PDB trajectory movie output (default=disabled). 
      Disables PDB model building. Warning: introduced PDB model must match
     the CG selected with the -m option (default=disabled). 
      Disables mass weighting (default=disabled). 
      Disables extra torsional potential (default=disabled). 
      Disables Gaussian weighted RMSD (default=disabled). 
   --prob <string>
      Normal mode selection probabitity. Each one of the --nex modes will
     be selected and merged from the --nevs subset according to the
     following probabilities (p): (default=var)
     	plain: constant probability
     	var: proportional to the i-th mode variance, p(i)=
     	line: lineally decreasing probability, p(i)= 1-i/nevs 
   --addnevs <int>
      Increases --nevs value by --addnevs (default=10). 
   --step2 <float>
      Final amplitude applied to excited modes (amplitude will decrease
     linearly from --step to --step2) (default=step/10). 
      Random amplitude selection between --step and --step2
   --nex2 <int>
      Final number of excited eigenvectors, either number [1,nevs]
     <integer>, or ratio [0,1) <float>. Number of excited modes will change
     linearly from --nevs to --nevs2 (default=disabled). 
      Random number of excited modes between --nex and --nex2
      Disable the Scaling Collective Variable method (default=disabled). 
      Disables random excited modes weighting (default=disabled). 
   --wrmsd <float>
      Sets the RMSD weighting factor for model alignment. The range is
     [0:1], 0=maximum-weighting 1=no-weighting (default=0). 
   --seed <unsigned int>
      Set the random number generator seed (Mersenne Twister)
     (default=random-seed from /dev/urandom). 
      Enable clocks (default=disabled). 
   --verb <int>
      Verbose level (0=low, 1=medium, 2=high) (default=0). 
   --,  --ignore_rest
      Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag. 
   -v,  --version
      Displays version information and exits.