• ChaconLab.org

    We are developing innovative techniques for the analysis and modeling of macromolecular structures. We encourage you to browse our site and take a look at our research lines and goals

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  • Protein Modeling

    We develop methodologies for modeling protein structures and their interactions including protein-protein, protein-ligand interactions and ab initio loop modeling.

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  • Multiscale dynamics

    We actively work to effectively address the study and simulation of the dynamics of biomolecular systems with geometric algebra, Mode Analysis (NMA), and other multiscale approximations.

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  • Hybrid methods

    Advances in biology depend on the characterization of large biomolecular complexes with the coordinated application of biophysical and computational hybrid methods.

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  • Structure-based drug discovery and design

    Our group employs and develops computer-based methodologies to aid the structure rational design of new active compounds.

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